Hungarian Conservative

Tag: nuclear

Conservatism is different in every nation, and so is approach to energy solutions. In this interview, Arvid Hallén, the founder of the only Swedish conservative think tank, Oikos, addresses these
According to Csaba Lantos, over 28,000 people have already pre-registered for the Solar Energy Plus programme, with over 15,000 subsidy applications received so far for the installation of solar panels
The analyst emphasized that a severe economic crisis has unfolded in Germany, partly due to the misguided sanction policy and the energy crisis resulting from the shutdown of nuclear power
State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy Gábor Czepek told former President János Áder in the latest episode of the Blue Planet podcast that the Hungarian government’s goal is to
In a recent Facebook post, Péter Szijjártó informed that he had a phone conversation with the South Korean Foreign Minister Park Joo, in which they discussed not only issues of