Hungarian Conservative


‘Bluntly, the war in Ukraine has unveiled the West’s ESG goals for the hypocrisy they are. The political and business leaders who promoted them are now caught up in their
Germany’s budget for next year cuts aid to Ukraine while Chancellor Scholz’s ‘Zeitenwende’ could also fizzle out without adequate financial support.
‘Hungary is the tell-tale sign that legal norms and moral niceties have fallen prey to corrosive ideologies, but other would-be leaders who attended CPAC this year and were inspired by
Despite the series of peace plans formulated over the last years, the positions of the presidents of the warring nations, Zelenskyy and Putin still look irreconcilable. As Prime Minister Orbán
As has been revealed many times, the goal of both the three-party coalition and the new president is to pursue a sovereigntist policy within the Euro-Atlantic region. Hungary has been
The purchase of the state-of-the-art aircraft is part of the Force Development Programme, essential not only in terms of self-defence and deterrence, but also for the country to remain an
In his remarks at the National Conservatism Conference in Washington, D.C., Danube Institute President John O’Sullivan argued that NATO’s success hinges on sustained US leadership, adequate defence spending by European
The Hungarian Defence Forces are set to receive a total of sixteen medium-lift rotary-wing aircraft from Airbus Helicopters, as part of the government’s force development programme.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán travelled to Florida for the fifth stop of his peace mission, where he was received by former US President Donald Trump. Trump thanked Orbán for
As expected, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is continuing the peace mission he started in Kyiv last week at the NATO summit in Washington, DC. Meanwhile, the defence alliance is