Hungarian Conservative


During the mission, the Hungarian research astronaut will spend 14 days aboard the International Space Station, conducting scientific experiments that will not only benefit the domestic space sector but also
Albeit on Monday the public was informed that only Tibor Kapu and Gyula Cserényi have been selected as the astronauts for the programme, the other two candidates who had been
The ambitious space expedition will involve a Hungarian astronaut as part of a four-member international team, representing a collaborative effort between Hungary and its international partners. As per the contract
Next week, NASA’s new rocket is making its debut in a risky test flight before astronauts reach the surface of the Moon, years behind schedule and billions over budget.
53 years after the Moon landing many still question the necessity of space exploration, but it is unquestionable that the desire to expand the boundaries of what we know has
The remarkably ambitious project of the James Webb Telescope has demonstrated that the mission of exploration is something that can unite mankind.