There are 3.13 million mothers in Hungary who have given birth to a total of 6.22 million children during their lifetime, meaning that Hungarian mothers have two children on average. Since the early 2000s, about three-quarters of adult women are mothers. Compared to 2011, the average number of children in the 20–35 age group has increased slightly (from 1.67 to 1.72), while among mothers aged 45–49 there are now 10,000 more large families, i.e. those with three or more children, than in 2011.
In the past fourteen months, much has been said about peace and its importance. If we want peace around us, if we want peace in the world, and if we want to improve our common destiny, even just a little bit, then we have to play more with our children. I cannot imagine a more excellent medicine than that.
The idea of the holiday was brought to Hungary by a Mrs Pál Petri, who was the wife of a state secretary, who had seen it celebrated in the United States. The first Mother’s Day celebration in Hungary was held on 8 March 1925 in Budapest, for the children of workers at the MÁV machine factory. The leaders of the Red Cross Youth Hungary embraced the idea and lobbied for the introduction of Mother’s Day as a nationwide celebration. Finally, in 1928, a ministerial decree included Mother’s Day among the official school observances.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.