Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Máté Kocsis

The news of the assassination attempt against former US President Donald Trump had barely reached Hungary before hateful comments calling for the death of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán appeared
The Hungarian National Assembly has elected Tamás Sulyok, formerly President of the Constitutional Court, as the new President of Hungary.
At the Fidesz–KDNP parliamentary group meeting today it was decided that Tamás Sulyok, President of the Hungarian Constitutional Court would be nominated for the position of head of state, left
The protracting NATO accession process of Sweden seems to be reaching its conclusion, following the announcement of support for ratification by Fidesz parliamentary group leader Máté Kocsis.
All MPs for the ruling Fidesz-KDNP coalition, as well as some for the left-wing opposition, were absent from the extraordinary parliamentary session called for Monday, thus the vote on Sweden’s
The conflict most likely broke out between a group of migrants and an organized human smuggler group. It went on for hours into the early morning, terrifying the residents of
Máté Kocsis wrote on Facebook: ‘Hungary is a committed member of NATO and the European Union, so we will do everything in our power to promote and maintain peace, and
In a Facebook post on Friday afternoon, Fidesz’s parliamentary group leader Máté Kocsis said his party is backing Finland’s accession and that the vote in parliament to ratify it would
Criticising the draft resolution submitted by Fidesz and the Christian Democrats, DK deputy group leader Gergely Arató told an online press conference that his party’s proposal focused on the interests
As these trends reach more and more countries, it is quite naïve to think that there won’t be more and more people trying to normalise and eventually legalise paedophilia as