Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Lili Zemplényi

In his self-criticism after the Revolution, one of the leading politicians of state-socialist Hungary admitted that they were interested in only having the ‘right number of women’ in positions of
Hirsi Ali establishes a link between immigration and increasing sexual violence against women, and traces back the root of the problem to the cultural differences between Christian Europe and Muslim-majority
This particular date on which the achievements of Hungarian inventors is celebrated was selected because one of the first Hungarian Noble Prize winners, physician and biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi, who first
Some argue that the current push in the USA to extend discussions about sex in schools originates from György Lukács, and it has very malevolent intentions.
One of the greatest achievements of the new Protestant belief was delivering the first complete Hungarian translation of the Holy Script and promoting literacy and the use of Hungarian to
The conquerors shaped Hungarian cities and architecture: Christian temples were redesigned as mosques, new minarets and spas were built.
The collective Hungarian memory remembers him as a modern day martyr who fought for and believed in the freedom of Hungary until his premature death. 
The reports collected by the secret police were not necessarily political in nature – secret agencies collected information about the personal life of poets, sportsmen and the cultural elite, not
The deep and embedded inequalities of state socialist regimes should not be forgotten – their prevalence shows both the failure of any projects to eliminate inequalities as well as the
As a consequence of the treaty, four million Hungarians became overnight the citizens of foreign countries, some of them newly formed.