Hungarian Conservative

Tag: legislation

Given the uncontrollable nature of AI and its potential to shape social perception, legislative action in this area has been long awaited. The European Union, recognizing the urgency and importance
The new rules prohibit AI applications that could violate citizens’ rights. These include biometric categorization based on sensitive personal data or the creation of facial recognition databases using images downloaded
The fate of the motion was uncertain right up until the votes in the House were tallied, as many members of the governing Conservative Party faction indicated their inability to
‘Thanks to their huge user base, the largest social media sites have become unavoidable power factors, having enormous potential to influence public thinking. They can determine who, how and what
On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the enactment of the legislation that laid the foundation for the operation of the national archives, the bank is issuing a silver
The European Commission and Germany announced a deal that will permit the sale of combustion-engine cars running solely on synthetic e-fuels beyond 2035. The final vote of the EU Council
The new anti-paedophilia bill passed by the Hungarian legislature on Thursday is yet another proof that the Orbán government does not just pay lip service to important issues such as