Hungarian Conservative

Tag: language

The Day of Hungarian Poetry, celebrated annually on 11 April since 1964, honours the nation’s rich literary heritage and the enduring contributions of its poets, both past and present. From
In June 1952, a three-member girl scout troop was formed in Passaic, near Garfield. Less than two years later, on January 2, 1954, after many others had joined, the Executive
President Novák emphasized that the Hungarian diaspora in Australia serves as a good example of it an immigrant group contributing to the development of the host country while preserving its
Gergely Gulyás argued that if it is true that those who are furthest from the Motherland find it the most difficult to preserve and pass on their mother tongue, to
Programme participants can choose from e-learning courses that run for four or eight weeks, covering subjects like modern history, economics, psychology, law, literature, and international relations. There is also a
The question of a language strategy, and the need thereof, are important and highly debated topics in linguistics these days. Linguist, university professor Géza Balázs contributes to this debate with
‘The clashes are ongoing, there is no harmony, they were sent here to carry out the school’s death sentence’, Pál Popovics, an informatics teacher at the school said.
Barna Pál Zsigmond emphasized during his press conference in Kossuth Square held on the occasion of European Languages Day that more than 700 million European citizens in forty-six countries mark
The Hungarian community in Mukachevo has been harassed in a number of ways by the Ukrainian local authorities over the past year. Beside the attacks on the Hungarian secondary school,
The PM, speaking at the Tranzit festival, pointed out: the first thing young people need to clarify is whether there is a homeland, and whether being Hungarian matters. According to