An FBI special agent has revealed that Thomas Matthew Crooks had been studying previous assassination attempts, including the one on US President John F. Kennedy and the recent one on Prime Minister Robert Fico of Slovakia, leading up to his effort to take the life of President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
‘Especially after the assassination attempt, there will be some sympathy for Trump. The images as he was raising his fist, with the American flag in the background, in defiance of critical violence, with blood on his face—that’s a very strong image that could be burnt into the minds of the American people. And since right now, we are living in the world of images, unfortunately, and not in the world of words, that might be a very, very potent weapon in the hands of Republicans demonstrating that Trump is up to his task, as opposed to Biden, who is frail mentally and physically as well.’
‘The deep state is nothing new, for it has existed throughout history and in different forms. What is new is the paranoia and the theories that are swarming around in the U.S., when in fact the deep state, if that is what some wish to call it, does not really care who holds onto power…The irony of Trump’s crusade against the deep state is that he will need to create a deep state to accomplish this, i.e., a powerful bureaucracy loyal to him over the country’s federal agencies.’
With the 1960 US presidential race between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon being so close, many scholars and commentators believed at the time that it was the first ever televised presidential debate that decided the outcome of the election. As a result, most campaign strategists deemed debating too risky for the candidates, thus no presidential debate took place in the US until 1976, when incumbent Gerald Ford debated Jimmy Carter.
‘That Britain chose to join the EEC in 1975 was a tragedy. That it left the EU with the utmost incompetence in 2016 was a farce caused entirely by the Conservative Party’s inability to resolve the psychological trauma of three decades. In both instances, it is the British people who have suffered and they whose trust in politics to be a force for good has, as a consequence, been destroyed.’
When arguing against stricter immigration laws, some on the left like to appeal to the significance of migration in American history. However, the truth is that there has never been a popular demand for lack of immigration control in the United States.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.