Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Islamism

‘Rather than an extremist group exploiting a social media platform to recruit vulnerable people, what took place last week appears to be quite the opposite. Decentralized local communities, far from
‘Like many, I still cannot believe that Wilders could become prime minister, given his years of demagogic outbursts and his abysmal reputation among the parts of the nation that ‘matter’.
‘It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the capitulation of the West to political Islam is no one’s fault but the West itself. The person in
‘The divisions inside the conservative movement are less over what should be done, and more over how far we might go, and the right answer is always as far as
‘It is one of history’s great ironies that Budapest, from which hundreds of thousands of European Jews were shipped to their deaths by the Nazis and their Hungarian collaborators, Jews
With the brutal terrorist attack on Israel, Hamas came to spotlight in the news. In this article, we look at the origins and the ideology of the Palestinian terrorist organization
The attack, carried out by nearly 50 armed militants, took place at the facility operated by MOL Pakistan Oil and Gas Company in the Hangu district near the Afghan border,
Constantin Schreiber’s novel is a work of fiction about Germany 30 years from now.