Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Islam

Dick Schoof, the 67-year-old independent former Director-General of the General Intelligence and Security Service, arose as a compromise candidate for prime minister after seven months of negotiations between the winning
‘Incidentally, Netanyahu’s failure is not because the Biden administration is withholding weapons. The heart of the issue is the Islamic indoctrination of Palestinian Muslims. Just like organized crime in southern
‘Just as it was with both the early community of Islamic believers and the later caliphate-state, the goal is universal governance according to the norms of the sharia. However, jihad
‘One can then argue that the so-called Muslim fundamentalists wrongly justify their acts of violence. All this being said, there is confusion as to who speaks for Islam and how
Shi’ism, as a branch of Islam, evolved through a Gnostic approach to God (i.e., having an intimate knowledge and spirituality with Allah and acknowledging a hierarchy of angels). Shi’ites, who
‘Many Muslim scholars and other apologists who argue that the murder of innocent people committed by jihadists in the name of Islam was never ordained by their prophet cite the
‘It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the capitulation of the West to political Islam is no one’s fault but the West itself. The person in
‘The values forged in Europe have deep Christian roots. And yet, how many cases could we enumerate where crucifixes have been removed to ‘avoid offending’ others? How many campaigns have
The security of the Sahel is the security of Europe as well. If the EU and its Member States, including Hungary, want to avoid having to face irregular mass migration
An interview with French professor of philosophy Rémi Brague about politics and the political, historical ignorance, secularization and Islam.