Hungarian Conservative

Tag: informatics

State Secretary for Innovation Balázs Hankó reiterated that the John von Neumann Programme focuses on three main areas: healthy living, digitalization, and green transition. The tender has been launched, and
According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó highlighted during the inauguration of the new office of Aldi International IT Services that the establishment
At the Central European Olympiad in Informatics held in Germany István Ádám Molnár from the Földes Ferenc Secondary School in Miskolc and Bernát Tarján from the Veres Péter Secondary School
From 15–21 July, students from 52 countries around the world participated in the EGOI held in Lund, Sweden. Similar to other informatics Olympiads such as CEOI and IOI, the contestants