Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary

All three Hungarian hostages, a woman and two girls, who have been held by Hamas since 7 October have regained their freedom.
State Secretary Bence Rétvári highlighted several measures, including the reform of school catering, the expansion of sports opportunities, the introduction of the so-called ‘chips tax,’ and restrictions on the availability
According to information provided by Ágnes Hornung, state secretary responsible for families, this addition will bring the total number of main pillars supporting the Hungarian family support system to four,
The researchers affiliated with the applied chemistry department of the University of Debrecen have been engaged in a prolonged exploration of the usability of renewable energy and its storage possibilities.
The Liget Budapest project is celebrating its 10-year anniversary. To commemorate this, it will have its own exhibition at the Budapest Museum of Ethnography. The museum quarter of the City
The payment would come as part of the Union’s RepowerEU plan, aimed to help Member States transition to green energy, thus would not come from the €36 billion of COVID
Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as the son of Hamas’s co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, held a historic speech at the United Nations this week in which he stressed: ‘If Israel fails
Balázs Hidvéghi, MEP for the ruling Fidesz party in Hungary, pointed out how the European Union treats rule of law concerns completely differently in the case of the left-wing Socialist
Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky stated the Hungarian government’s position remains clear: migration must be curbed and the problem must be dealt with locally. Migration and terrorism go hand in hand,
The Western parts of Hungary used constitute the Roman province of Pannonia, a land that served as a buffer zone, a bulwark protecting the Empire from the perils posed by