Hungarian Conservative

Tag: housing

‘The liberal aspirations of the 21st century include the destruction of human autonomy and freedom, and making people as dependent as possible on the state and other circles of power
‘Progressive responses to the housing crisis may be universal income or free housing, solutions which are neither sustainable nor desirable from a conservative perspective. However, a common discernment may be
The figures clearly show that over the past decade the economic and employment boom in Hungary has been accompanied by a marked improvement in the demographic situation.
Experts once again examined the country’s 174 districts and Budapest, to to assess their liveability based on factors like education, healthcare, culture, crime, the job market, shopping opportunities, and housing
‘For us, every Hungarian child is a treasure, no matter where they are born in the world,’ Tünde Fűrész, President of The Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families says.