Hungarian Conservative

Tag: heritage

A grand celebration was held at the Hungarian American Athletic Club in New Brunswick to mark the 70th anniversary of the Bornemissza Gergely Boy Scout Troop no. 5 of New Brunswick.
The event also hosts an online charity auction, with proceeds this year benefiting the Opera House Ballet Students Foundation.
The objective of the initiative is to promote Hungarian films, foster audience engagement, and enhance the cultural and community life of rural settlements, as announced by the institute on Wednesday.
In June 1952, a three-member girl scout troop was formed in Passaic, near Garfield. Less than two years later, on January 2, 1954, after many others had joined, the Executive
Around 3100 BC, the Yamnaya people began to move westwards, migrating from their homeland in modern-day southern Ukraine and Russia. As they reached the Carpathian Basin and the Danube valley,
Building community and connection, keeping the memory of 1956 alive, engaging the next generation of Hungarian Americans, advocating for the interests of the Hungarian ethnic communities in Europe and building
In the interview, President of the Republic Katalin Novák underscored Hungary’s key role in protecting the EU’s Schengen border, highlighted the Hungarian government’s unique family policy, stressed the importance of
President Novák emphasized that the Hungarian diaspora in Australia serves as a good example of it an immigrant group contributing to the development of the host country while preserving its
Gergely Gulyás argued that if it is true that those who are furthest from the Motherland find it the most difficult to preserve and pass on their mother tongue, to
Péter Szijjártó emphasized that this visit marks the end of a long hiatus in the relationship, as there had been no diplomatic ties between the two countries for a decade.