Hungarian Conservative

Tag: healthcare

The governor of New York has declared a state of emergency over polio, following two other states of emergency over COVID-19 and monkeypox. While encouraging polio vaccinations is important, New
According to the head of a Bavarian clinic, finding a hospital that can treat you quickly won’t be that easy in the future.
For decades gratitude payments were a permanent ill of the Hungarian healthcare system. Informal payments overshadowed doctor-patient relations as they were unethical, and they also disadvantaged the least fortunate. As
The memorial day is dedicated to honouring the hard work, the unrelenting sacrifice and outstanding achievements of healthcare workers in Hungary.
The new device, bought by the Szent-Györgyi Albert Clinical Center of SZTE, can save coronavirus patients’ lives, as it can take over the role of both the heart and lungs
Roche to create 250 new jobs in Budapest.