Hungarian Conservative

Tag: freedom of speech

‘Whatever form it takes, whatever its emphasis, American exceptionalism does exist, and it is definitely reflected in the attitudes of both ordinary Americans and American politics. It is what American
A large portion of the 15–39-year-olds polled by MCC’s Youth Research Institute shares their political opinions on the internet, and many of them had the experience of being banned for
The liberal faction of the Hungarian Psychiatric Association engaged in a power game against editor-in-chief at Psychiatria Hungarica Tamás Tényi, who wanted to publish an essay critical of gender theory
The event featured, among others, former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, Croatian MP Stephen Bartulica, and Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga. Minister Varga called Hungary ‘an island where freedom still
Since all of Tate’s views greatly rely on blaming a system that intentionally represses their ‘truth’, censoring them only adds fuel to the fire.
The American left is outraged that President Trump’s Twitter account was reinstated by Elon Musk. This is a good moment to remind it that in a democracy, freedom of speech
Today’s “objective truth” is not what the majority of the scientific community accepts as such; rather it is what most people share on social media.
Extensive moderation, which does not shy away from deletion, will carry platforms far from their initial democratic achievement, making them gatekeepers that can be manipulated more easily than in any