Hungarian Conservative

Tag: folk dance

‘I was on stage already before I could have any inhibitions. That’s not to say that I don’t have them in other areas, but I feel lucky that I was
‘When you move abroad, either of necessity or at your own initiative, the inevitable clash between the host and home cultures raises questions about the future of your mother tongue,
‘What ‘‘zestful life’’ means and how it can be achieved are answered in the book, starting from the premise that it requires ‘‘no special effort, skills, education or money’’. All
‘People in Hungary should learn from those in the diaspora to cultivate their culture with a pure heart and love’, argues Kálmán Magyar Jr in an interview originally published on
‘As we look back on this long and eventful journey, we commemorate those who were here before us, who led the way for our community, who dedicated their time, energy,
The first documented piece of Hungarian music dates back to the 11th century, thus recorded melodies have been an important part of Hungarians’ lives for a thousand years.
St Ivan’s Night has always been considered magical by the Nordic and Slavic peoples, but it has special folk traditions linked to it in Hungary as well. Various practices are
In addition to her work at the Bethesda Children’s Hospital, Hungarian psychologist and singer Klára Korzenszky gives fairy tale concerts based on children’s psychodrama and fairy tale therapy with her
The four-day Hollókő Easter Festival includes folk programs, Palóc cuisine, bucket-dumping water fights, Kerekes Band and Parno Graszt concerts, as well as children’s programmes.
The revival and reinstatement of tradition, its restoration if you like, is by no means self-contradictory, and constancy is a more important element of tradition than change.