Hungarian Conservative

Tag: fascism

‘The lessons from Molnar’s book about Bernanos remain fresh today. The “fascist temptation” has not disappeared, but only appears in new forms…Bernanos’s prophecy is interesting because there are still today,
The scandal surrounding the Alternative for Germany (AfD) is intensifying, with growing calls to ban the right-wing party. The left-wing media’s demonizing smear campaign has played a significant role in
‘Many Jewish citizens from European nations like Sweden are enduring levels of hostility that are non-existent in Hungary. In contrast, Yacov Hadas-Handelsman, the current Israeli ambassador to Hungary, earlier this
The life and works of Sándor Márai, a prolific Hungarian writer and intellectual, serve as an example for conservatives everywhere, urging them to protect their nationhood and oppose totalitarian ideologies.
‘The American left is seeking what they call ‘Social democracy’ and claim it is not ‘democratic socialism’, but everyone knows it is indeed the same ideology. This socialist ideology reflects
‘The [Budapest Retro Interactive] museum demonstrates the triumph over communism through humour and satire. Far from making light of the oppressive regime or downplaying its existence, it derides it in
‘Conservatism is Progressivism driving the speed limit,’ Mark Granza, founder and editor of IM-1776 reminds, adding that so far, the conservative movement has failed to reach out to the younger
Giorgia Meloni’s stunning victory was branded as the ‘return of fascism’ by pundits across Europe. While FdI’s connection with historical fascism is a complicated issue, calling the party fascist today