Hungarian Conservative

Tag: family

Donald Trump emphasized that as President, he ‘proudly worked together’ with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to defend the values and interests of both the Hungarian and the American nation.
‘Last week in the United States, President Joe Biden released new rules governing Title IX, a part of American civil rights law governing its application to discrimination against women. With
‘First, cannabis was licensed for medical use, then legalization became more widespread. It is the typical slippery slope. In fact, there are doors that, once opened, cannot be closed. Society-shaping
‘Progressive responses to the housing crisis may be universal income or free housing, solutions which are neither sustainable nor desirable from a conservative perspective. However, a common discernment may be
Hungary’s comprehensive family support system has garnered international attention; in order to become acquainted with the policies of Hungary, family-friendly countries frequently consult with government organizations, including the Mária Kopp
‘The fact that Hungary has to fight like hell for its right to be normal is a sign of the times. So is the fact that in America, as in
The new online jazz radio will be launched on International Jazz Day on 30 April. The radio is named in tribute to one of Hungary’s most esteemed jazz artists, pianist
The Cairo government is making great efforts to ensure that Christians can live in peace in the country and to stem the spread of violence often attributable to religious differences.
The high-profile conference on education continued with its second day at the MCC Budapest campus, with another slew of illustrious expert guests sharing their knowledge and opinions regarding the role
The figures clearly show that over the past decade the economic and employment boom in Hungary has been accompanied by a marked improvement in the demographic situation.