Hungarian Conservative

Tag: event

The Hungarian Science Festival has been organized since 2003, commemorating the fact that on 3 November 1825, István Széchenyi offered one year’s income from his estates to establish the Society
The famous British unorthodox feminist, Mary Harrington recently visited Budapest to talk about ‘reactionary feminism’ and progress at a Danube Institute event.
Orbán told his audience in Veszprém that Hungary was the ‘first and only’ country trying to ‘hold back the European people from willingly marching into an even greater war’. Referring
At the discussion Russia expert David Satter expressed scepticism about Russia being trustworthy regarding keeping the terms of a potential ceasefire, while Attila Demkó argued that Ukraine has already
Szili, who has participated in the commemoration event in previous years, recalled the inhumanity of the displacements and discussed the lasting consequences of the Beneš Decrees, the necessity of retaining
The Budapest World Championships set a new standard for everyone, and the numbers released by Nielsen support this statement. Based on data measured on-site by the company, it was revealed
Szilvásvárad, the home of the nationally treasured Lipizzaner horse breed, has been announced as the new location of the event. In the past, the Gallop was organized in the capital
At the event, President of the Hungarian Research Network Balázs Gulyás spoke about how this inaugural scientific workshop aims to be the flagship of the John von Neumann Programme. The
In his introduction, Hölvényi emphasized that in recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic and wars have weakened people’s faith and religiosity. Rebuilding and strengthening faith will take many years of work,
On 2 and 3 September, collections from 39 brands will be showcased at Millenáris Park, featuring creations not only from 24 Hungarian fashion designers, but also from Ukrainian, Romanian, Czech,