Hungarian Conservative

Tag: EU funding

According to Csaba Lantos, over 28,000 people have already pre-registered for the Solar Energy Plus programme, with over 15,000 subsidy applications received so far for the installation of solar panels
Industrial power plants and storage facilities can be connected to the grid by 2030, the Ministry of Energy announced. The current energy storage capacity of only twenty megawatts could increase
The target of six gigawatts was originally set to be achieved by 2030. However, since Hungary has already reached this goal, the government has raised the target to twelve gigawatts
A brief review of the European policy of the Hungarian Government and of that of the domestic opposition.
In his regular Friday morning interview, the Prime Minister stated that there was ‘no money in the world’ that would get Hungary to allow migrants into Hungary and ‘take the
The recently launched Solar Energy Plus Programme, announced just a month ago, allows private individuals with privately owned residential properties, beneficial use rights, or leasing agreements to use non-refundable support
While the European Commission initially announced that it was putting its entire Palestinian development portfolio under review, it soon re-evaluated its decision, stating that it remains committed to preventing any
Viktor Orbán has firmly stated that Hungary will not approve any EU budget increase until its access to the withheld funds is reinstated. The EC may now be willing to
The national solar energy map project aims to promote the use of solar energy and to provide information about the solar energy potential of the residences of those who are
Navracsics reminded that Hungary is to receive 14 trillion Hungarian forints in cohesion funds for the 2021-2027 EU budget cycle. Of this amount, 4 trillion forints have already been received