Hungarian Conservative

Tag: economics

In tribute to the two Hungarian Nobel laureates, biochemist Katalin Karikó and physicist Ferenc Krausz, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) released silver coins with a face value of 7,500 forints
During a roundtable discussion organized by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) on Thursday in Budapest, experts dissected Hungary’s role and opportunities within the EU. They agreed that one of the
As of the end of 2023, Hungary’s national debt stood at 55.134 trillion HUF, 73.5 per cent of its GDP. Its debt-to-GDP ratio is considerably lower than that of the
At a recent Rubicon Institute conference in Budapest, historians and Middle East experts attempted to shed light on the complexities of the Arab–Israeli conflict and its regional and international contexts.
An interview with French professor of philosophy Rémi Brague about politics and the political, historical ignorance, secularization and Islam.
In the statement, the MEPs said that the four left-wing groupings of the EP held a joint press conference on Monday at which Germany’s Green MEP Daniel Freund and Hungary’s
Hungary has recently announced that it is leaving the International Investment Bank, soon after the US Treasury imposed sanctions on the IIB and its leadership. But what is the story