Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Democrats

‘President Trump’s true character has just been revealed. It turned out that he’s the kind of man who comes under fire, takes a hit, feels the blood—and stands back up,
Just as in the presidential debate, Joe Biden failed to deliver an acceptable performance in his ‘big boy’ press conference this morning. The voices of discontent within the Democratic Party
The Supreme Court ruling does not absolve President Trump from all prosecution, since lower courts can still rule on what conduct fell under ‘official acts’ when he was President; and
‘The four camps of congressional foreign policy suggest different readings on the transatlantic alliance. From a liberal universalist perspective, NATO is not just a political and military alliance focusing on
The progressive media’s fabrication factory is operating at full throttle, now attempting to convince American citizens that a potential electoral defeat of Donald Trump will lead to a ‘bloodbath’ in
‘The public mood has been turbulent since 2021. From a campaign perspective, it’s astonishing the current administration is actually trying to prosecute the main political rival of the sitting president.
Because of technicalities and an odd decision by the DNC, President Joe Biden actually was not on the ballot in the party’s primary in New Hampshire. After 2016 and 2020,
‘In addition to his positive foreign policy track record, Donald Trump often promises in his public speeches on his current campaign trail to bring peace to Ukraine and Israel, and
‘If the Hungarian government has other countries standing up for Hungary, that’s the best way to push back against Washington and Brussels,’ argues James Carafano, Senior Counselor to the President
Orbán began his speech by asserting that ‘this year has enormous amounts at stake because the Soros empire, in collaboration with the governing American Democrats, is launching an attack on