Hungarian Conservative

Tag: creativity

Speaking at the opening event of the International Young Physicists’ Tournament (IYPT) for secondary school students at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), State Secretary Varga-Bajusz highlighted that
The Hungarian Theatre Society (MTT) admitted the Szabadka National Theatre and the Viharsarok Dance Theatre into its ranks, increasing its membership to 90. The assembly approved the society’s 2023 balance
The Day of Hungarian Poetry, celebrated annually on 11 April since 1964, honours the nation’s rich literary heritage and the enduring contributions of its poets, both past and present. From
At the library located in the centre of the city visitors will have a chance to create souvenir cards with Elvish script, learn the secrets of Elvish braiding, participate in
The Budapest Architecture Film Festival is held between 7 and 10 March at the Toldi Cinema. This year’s motto, People Behind, highlights the numerous and passionate creative individuals who work
Innovation is both a fundamental human activity, and a fundamentally human activity. It is fundamental, insofar as we are compelled by the need to innovate—a need that expresses itself in