Hungarian Conservative

Tag: budget

At the exhibition organized in collaboration with the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy emphasized that currently only 0.1 per cent of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy
The most important feature of the programme announced with a five billion forint budget is that state support will reach innovative startups through incubators. Incubators support early-stage startups in bringing
Viktor Orbán discussed the recently announced pension raise on public radio today. As for the broader topic of inflation, he expressed his conviction that his government will curb it by
The current development, funded by the government with two billion forints, is a significant step forward for the emergency system. Moreover, the budget for the healthcare sector for the coming
After a lengthy period of uncertainty, it was decided that the final traffic arrangement for the bridge would be determined through a consultation process involving residents with a Budapest address.
The minister reminded all that the independent Hungarian Ministry of Finance was the first lasting success of the revolution. In April 1848, Lajos Kossuth began working on the establishment of
Imre Tóth, the director of the Sopron Museum, stated that the museum lives alongside time and closely observes the changes, with the understanding that tradition and the past can only
The 2024 budget is a defence budget because during times of war, Hungary needs a budget that guarantees its security, protects families, pensions, jobs, and reduces utility costs, the Hungarian