Hungarian Conservative

Tag: book review

‘In other words, Hussar Cut puts into a broader perspective the policies that PM Viktor Orbán carried out in the recent decade. It is also a comprehensive analysis of international
‘What ‘‘zestful life’’ means and how it can be achieved are answered in the book, starting from the premise that it requires ‘‘no special effort, skills, education or money’’. All
The autobiography of Tibor Weinzierl titled From Hungary with Love. The Immigrant is not only a written record of a tumultuous life journey of a Hungarian Canadian, then Hungarian American
The book is extremely valuable in many aspects, for instance because it sheds light on the complex structure of the Hungarian immigrant society as well as of those of the
‘The resilience and admirable community involvement of the Hungarian Americans showcased in this publication—by which they essentially became the guarantee of the persistence of the Hungarian-American community—can serve as an
The best-known Hungarian language youth novel, The Paul Street Boys, written by Ferenc Molnár, was first publish in 1907 and it has enjoyed unbroken popularity ever since.
One of the recurring topics of Agustine of Hippo’s City of God, a foundational work of Western philosophy, is his critique of Roman religion as having no moral teachings to
Hungary is not just a great country to live in, but also a nation with rich history that sparked the attention of many excellent historians from all around the world.
Recently, the Danube Institute co-hosted an event with Helena History Press where Danish author Jaap Scholten talked about his personal experiences while travelling throughout Ukraine in the first six months
God’s miracles occupy an important place in the Holy Scripture, demonstrating the omnipotent might of divine intervention that rules over the laws of nature. In his book titled Miracles, author