Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Blue Planet

Today every secondary school student is familiar with the concept of sustainability. In recent years, the common concern for climate change, resource scarcity, and ecological crisis has prompted youth to
Among the foods eaten in Italy at Easter, Gianni Annoni highlighted lamb, which is mainly imported from Hungary. He added that eggs are also important, used to decorate savoury cakes,
János Áder, Chairman of the Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation and his guest discussed the possibilities and challenges of transitioning to a circular economy for the sake of sustainability.
Áder pointed out that Hungary’s gas consumption decreased by one billion cubic metres, or ten percent, in the past year, and the share of fossil energy in the ‘energy mix’
Áder noted that in Europe alone, 10 to 12 million cars are produced annually, and from 2035 onwards, only electric cars will roll off the assembly lines. This means that
Professor András Gelencsér reminded that fossil fuel emissions have continuously increased since the Paris climate accord, except during the COVID period. Regarding the utilization of solar and wind energy, dependent
State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy Gábor Czepek told former President János Áder in the latest episode of the Blue Planet podcast that the Hungarian government’s goal is to
The comprehensive discussion covered diverse aspects of waste management, showcasing MOL Group’s commitment to sustainable practices and environmental responsibility.
Preparing for Christmas should not equal plenty of spending and waste: if we resort to the good old practices of our grandparents, we can be frugal and environmentally conscious at
Regarding their first product, beer mash granola, the founder and chief executive of the upcycling enterprise Ételmentő explained that beer mash, a by-product of brewing, was traditionally used as animal