Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Blue Planet Foundation

János Áder, Chairman of the Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation and his guest discussed the possibilities and challenges of transitioning to a circular economy for the sake of sustainability.
Áder pointed out that Hungary’s gas consumption decreased by one billion cubic metres, or ten percent, in the past year, and the share of fossil energy in the ‘energy mix’
Áder noted that in Europe alone, 10 to 12 million cars are produced annually, and from 2035 onwards, only electric cars will roll off the assembly lines. This means that
Professor András Gelencsér reminded that fossil fuel emissions have continuously increased since the Paris climate accord, except during the COVID period. Regarding the utilization of solar and wind energy, dependent
Following the proceedings of COP 28 online from Budapest, former Hungarian President János Áder stated that the goals previously articulated by the committee were accurate. Recognizing that 80 per cent
In his presentation titled ‘Digitalization in Service of Sustainable Development,’ Áder pointed out that the National Digitalization Strategy set the goal for the widespread adoption of technologies and the expansion
According to Áder, a viable solution in preventing a global climate disaster can only be reached through an agreement involving the G20 nations, wherein the preferred and sanctioned activities are