Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Balázs Hidvéghi

‘I am convinced that the current leadership in Brussels does not take into account the opinion or expectations of the majority of European people, and we even see that they
Former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, and Fabrice Leggeri, former head of the EU border agency Frontex and current lead candidate for the right-wing National
The European Parliament today adopted a new regulation reforming the EU’s migration and asylum policy, including measures for expedited asylum processing and solidarity in distributing migrants among member states. The
The new rules prohibit AI applications that could violate citizens’ rights. These include biometric categorization based on sensitive personal data or the creation of facial recognition databases using images downloaded
Debates about Hungary consistently bring to the forefront the Hungarophobic positions and opinions of the Left in the European Parliament. In the current session, left-wing MEPs targeted not only Viktor
Balázs Hidvéghi, MEP for the ruling Fidesz party in Hungary, pointed out how the European Union treats rule of law concerns completely differently in the case of the left-wing Socialist
At the exhibition organized in collaboration with the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy emphasized that currently only 0.1 per cent of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy
Fidesz-KDNP MEPs spoke out firmly against the mandatory distribution of migrants in the EU following the debate on the new EU asylum and migration package in the European Parliament. ID
According to the EP’s position, developers of general-purpose AI systems would only be able to market their products on the EU market after assessing and mitigating potential risks and registering
Balázs Hidvéghi spoke up at a session of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), calling on the European Left to stop its incessant attacks