Hungarian Conservative

Tag: artist

Vera Molnar (1924-2023) was a world-famous Hungarian-born French media artist and a pioneer of computer art. Her works can be viewed at the Hungarian Academy in Rome, the Falconieri Palace
The exhibition of the two artists, both born in historical Greater Hungary, will be on display for four weeks at the Art and Art History Department of the University of
The Hungarian-born French visual artist, Vera Molnar, passed away in December last year, shortly before her 100th birthday. The exhibition opening this Saturday was planned for this significant occasion, and
In this interview, world-famous Hungarian American physicist Albert-László Barabási shared his thoughts about the Covid pandemic, the relationship between art and science, Székely stubbornness and curiosity.
The festival’s highlighted theme is the world of historical comics. Enthusiasts can hear from renowned experts and practitioners in a roundtable discussion about the depiction of past events in comic
The legendary photographer passed away 83 years ago today. His ambition was not to commemorate the political elite, the aristocracy, or the world of finance of his time, but rather
Tibor Helényi’s legacy as a Hungarian artist extends far beyond the borders of his home country. His iconic Star Wars and RoboCop posters have become symbols of their respective franchises’